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Die zwölf Todsünden im Bewerbungsgespräch

Wie man sich und seiner Karriere im Jobinterview noch ein Bein stellen kann

Der Wettbewerb um Jobs wird härter. Oft sind die Qualifikationen von Kandidaten vergleichbar, und nur geringe Merkmale entscheiden darüber, wer das Rennen macht. Das Jobinterview ist die Zielgerade beim Bewerbungsvorgang. Deshalb ist es wichtig, daß man sich nicht durch grobe Schnitzer selbst ein Bein stellt. Denn eine zweite Chance gibt es in der Regel nicht.

Lesen Sie hier den Artikel von Dr. Gerhard Padderatz, der am 26.11.2005 in der DIE WELT erschienen ist:

PDF File Download Die zwölf Todsünden im Bewerbungsgespräch

10 most common mistakes of European companies entering the U.S. market

Is America still the land of opportunity? Many European companies think so. Corporate giants like Mercedes, Siemens, Thyssen and Bosch have quite a success story to tell. Their roots are deep, their profits sizeable.

But what about the success of smaller and mid-size companies? Can they survive? Do they have the resources and the know-how to make it in America?

There are quite a number of success stories to be told about smaller companies, as well. Many are automotive suppliers that have come in the wake of the Daimler/Chrysler acquisition. Some even generate a greater income through their U.S. subsidiaries than their European base.

However, not all of those smaller companies that tried have made it. And many that eventually did succeed did so only after overcoming numerous obstacles. This process usually is combined with a sizeable waste of time and money - resources that are especially scarce among the smaller players in the market.

Which companies succeed and which fail? What are some of the pitfalls? Can we learn from their blunders? What are the most common mistakes European companies make when they try to establish a corporate presence in America?

Here is what the experts say are the top 10 mistakes:
Dr. Gerhard Padderatz 2004:

PDF File Download 10 most common mistakes of European companies entering the U.S. market.

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